The Bridge: A Transformational Health Podcast with Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers

This is for you if you’re a spiritually grounded person who takes your health seriously and is ready to learn the truth about how to up-level and have more balance, longevity, and overall well-being so you can feel whole - mind, body, and spirit. If you desire something that goes deeper than the surface and the obvious, that's exactly what you'll get here. From transformational healing stories to honest and groundbreaking perspectives about how to create optimal health and well-being - this show will help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you desire to be. The power to feel healthy and whole has always been in you - time to connect to it! Welcome to your home and haven for the truth.

Episode 1: An Introduction to The Bridge

Welcome to The Bridge: A Transformational Health Podcast with Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers. This show bridges the gap between Eastern & Western medicine, science & spirituality, physical & energetic health. If you are a leader seeking to heal from within, ultimately achieving the pinnacle of health and well-being for your mind, body, and spirit, then rest assured,

this show is tailored just for you. In today's episode, you'll get an introduction to the show from Dr. Rodgers - an introduction to both her genuine enthusiasm and positive energy, and the details about what exactly this show is all about. 

Episode 2: This is US!

In this episode, we're taking a little time to focus on one of my highest values - connection.

Connection is one of the foundations of this podcast, particularly the connection between us. I'm taking some time to intentionally build our connection here. We'll do this from time to time on the show because it's that important, and it's one of the many things we'll do differently around here.

I hope you'll join me - I can't build this connection without you!

Episode 3: The Near-Death Experience

We all have a story. This is mine.

It's the story of my near-death experience that I truly shouldn't have survived.

This is the story that rocked my entire world and changed everything. It's the catalyst that helped to shape what I am and how I serve today.

This story is what gave birth to the gift I now have to see the gaping wide holes in the broken healthcare system around me.

It wasn't intentional that I talked so long in this episode, but I shared a part of the story that is personal and private to me - that I didn't always use to share depending on the company.

I will always share transparently here - and that's what I'm doing in this episode.

Episode 4: The Bridge

This episode is "the bridge" on The Bridge!

This episode is the bridge between the introductory episodes where we were building the foundation of this extraordinary podcast and the health-related content you're going to get on the show.

We're kicking off the health-related content here as I highlight an alarming fact - most people don't feel their best.

Most adults are living daily with at least one chronic health issue - so what's the problem?

I'm answering this question from my perspective today. It's clearly time for a change. 

Episode 5: How Do You Choose A Health Practitioner?

There are so many different kinds of health practitioners and coaches today - there's basically a practitioner or coach for everything.

But you have no way of determining whether a new health professional is the right fit for you.

If you don’t feel good about the guidance or approach you’re being offered, you’ll continue on the hamster wheel, because when this one doesn’t work out, you’ll just try another and keep getting the same results leaving you feeling stuck.

So how do you choose a health professional?

That's exactly what we'll talk about in today's episode.

I'll tell you the kinds of questions you can start asking doctors and health professionals, and share a free resource with a checklist of questions you can use. The link for the resource is in the show notes.

Episode 6: Your Health Equation

Health is your natural state, and it's kind of like an equation.

That's what we'll talk about in this episode.

We'll break down your health equation and discuss how whole health happens when you balance your own equation instead of focusing on just one aspect of it.

At the end of this episode, I have a personal invitation for you!

Episode 7: The Keys to Healthy Aging

In this episode I'm sharing the inside scoop behind one of the leading questions you'll hear me ask most of my guests on the show - some version of "If there were 10 keys to health and longevity, what would you say one of them is?" - I can't wait for you to hear the unique and inspiring answers our guests share with you.

There's a backstory to this question that's connected to my past as a researcher too.

I'll tell you about where the keys to healthy aging originated, including a brief story about its scientific roots.

Episode 9: Simplifying Healthy Movement with Leslie Humphrey

Episode 8: Health Made Simple Unlocking  Secrets to
Effortless Well-Being with Madelene Einarsson

I'm excited to welcome my guest Leslie Humphrey to the show for the first of three episodes! Leslie is a dear friend and colleague. We share our passion for all things natural health, and Leslie has been intentionally instilling the value of health into her family since she started raising all 5 of her kids (who are now adults!). I always tell her I see her as a trailblazer in so many different ways - and I think you'll see why over the course of these three episodes.

In this episode Leslie and I focus on the topic of movement as one of the keys to health and longevity - and coming from a researcher with expertise in physical activity and movement - I can tell you it most certainly is one of the keys. Watch out for Leslie's next episode where we'll talk about relationships as another important key.

Here are some of my favorite highlights from this show:

  • When we're "shoulding" ourselves we're not showing up for ourselves
  • How can movement and fitness be easy?
  • What's "fitness freedom"?
  • There are no exercise rules you have to follow
  • Be courageous enough to be healthy and follow your path right now
What a joy to introduce you to my inspiring guest, Madelene Einarsson.

Health is a value that Madelene has held close to her heart her entire life, and her approach and attitude toward health are effortless and easy.

As a successful woman with a rewarding career, marriage, and family (two sons and now a grandchild) she shares valuable wisdom about how she has consistently prioritized her health through all of it - and actually enjoyed it!!

There are so many key takeaways from this interview. I'll share some of my favorites here, but I'd love to learn yours!

  • Take care of yourself - there's only one you.
  • When you aren't feeling healthy, you only wish for one thing - to feel healthy.
  • Being healthy isn't complicated. It comes from within you.
  • Feeling healthy physically happens easily when you intentionally take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually too.
  • It's easier to take care of yourself so you can stay healthy, rather than waiting until you feel sick to take action.
  • Approach being healthy like it's a fun experiment! You get to try different things and see how they feel for you. When you find things that feel good along the way, you get to enjoy discovering your unique approach to health!

Episode 10: 10,000 Steps: Fact or Fiction? Uncovering the Truth Behind the Recommendation

This episode is a follow-up to the first interview with Leslie Humphrey.

During her interview, she mentioned the commonly known 10,000-step recommendation most of us are familiar with did not have a scientific origin. In that interview, I supported her statement.

As a leader and professional with a strong value of integrity, I will, to the best of my ability, provide you with the most trustworthy and reliable health information.

Today, I will explain exactly where the 10,000 steps a day recommendation originated, and how it did get picked up by science.

This is one of many great examples I will share with you on the show about how a lot of health recommendations and information didn't come from an altruistic scientific foundation with the genuine intention to help you be healthy.

Episode 11: The Power of Appreciation: Balancing Inner and Outer Health with Elizabeth Diehl Resnick

I'm so excited to welcome my guest, Elizabeth Diehl Resnick, for this first interview on the show. Elizabeth and I connected immediately when we heard each other's voices for the first time, she's a dear colleague and friend. We both go by Elizabeth and our genuine enthusiasm and passion that runs through our core is a unique quality we share. I'm surprised they didn't put her in timeout for being too happy too!! So get ready for some high vibes on this episode, you should get a great boost!

Elizabeth and I talk about what it was like living with good physical health while our internal health (emotionally, spiritually, mentally) didn't match. She openly shares how she made that shift and aligned her internal and external health so she felt whole again. Now Elizabeth feels the healthiest and best she's ever felt as she heads through her late 50s, and she is truly an inspiration for all of us. Watch out for the next episode with Elizabeth on the topic of body confidence.

There are so many gems in this episode. Some of my favorite highlights are:

  • Why appreciation is just as important as gratitude
  • Appreciation and enthusiasm are keys to health and longevity
  • Personal responsibility when you leave a relationship, you take your vibration with you
  • How to heal after an unhealthy relationship
  • It's okay to want more
  • Connect before you consume
  • I'm willing for this to be easier and more magical than I can imagine

Episode 12: The Power of Consistency and Self-Harmony with Hailey Rowe 

I'm super excited to introduce you to my friend and colleague Hailey Rowe. As you'll quickly learn, Hailey is overflowing with wisdom, tools, and resources for us - so get ready!

In this episode, Hailey provides a wealth of information to support you in extremely important areas of your overall health and well-being - areas that also determine longevity - habits, consistency, and mindset.

Research shows that people struggle with the maintenance of healthy habits and consistency. Hailey shares a variety of valuable tips and strategies to help.

We'll cover a lot today including:
  • How to stop working against yourself and start working with yourself
  • What to do to start building a healthy habit
  • Why we struggle with consistency and what to do about it
  • How to stop unhealthy patterns before we get stuck in them
  • Specific strategies and tips you can implement today! 

No matter where you're at with your health and well-being - you'll find something that aligns with you and supports you here. We're grateful to Hailey for pouring her knowledge into this show for us!

Episode 13: Beyond the Body: Delving into the Depths
of Multidimensional Health and Wellbeing 

Your health and wellbeing isn't one-dimensional. It's made up of different layers and dimensions that all interact and co-exist.

What exactly are the different parts of your health and wellbeing that make up those layers and dimensions?

In this episode we're delving into the depths of your multidimensional health and wellbeing so you can learn the answer.

We'll cover:
  • The 9 different parts or layers of your health and wellbeing
  • How you're attracting the health and life you have today
  • What 1 part of your health is driving all of the other parts

Episode 14: Unearthing the Truth: Root Causes Demystified (and What They Aren't)

In this episode of The Bridge: A Transformational Health Podcast with Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers, we're diving into the deep end of root causes.

Identifying the root causes of any health issue or imbalance is my jam, and I've spent over 15 years educating myself to become THE leading expert on this topic.

Many of the "root causes" you're being told about - aren't really "root causes", and this is leading people down paths that are actually creating more problems instead of solving them.

It's important to me to educate you on the truth so you know what health information you can trust and whether it's right for you.

So in this episode, you'll learn what root causes ARE NOT. I'll share a few of the most common scapegoats that incorrectly get blamed as the cause of many chronic health issues and conditions. 

I wonder how many of these you've been told were the "cause" of your problem...

This is the beginning of our root cause series, and I'm SO excited to get started. 

Episode 15: Unearthing the Truth: Root Causes Demystified (and What They Aren't) Part 2

Dive back into the deep end of the root cause pool with me.

On this episode of The Bridge: A Transformational Health Podcast with yours truly, Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers, you're going to learn more about what root causes ARE NOT.
In Part 1, I shared 5 of the 10 most common scapegoats that you are being told are root causes of your health issues and imbalances - that are NOT the real problem.
Join me in Part 2, where I'll cover the remaining common "root cause scapegoats" taking the blame for a lot of your symptoms and issues. 

When I finished recording these 2 episodes, my podcast team told me these are the BEST episodes yet - and I can't wait for you to listen!

These 2 episodes can save you a lot of time, energy, money, wrong turns, stress, and heartaches on your health and healing journeys - so please don't miss them.

I love pouring my heart and soul into this podcast for you, so you always have a supportive Home for health wisdom you can TRUST. 

If you have a story you'd like to share that this is bringing to the surface, please reach out!

Sending love and supportive energy all around! 

Episode 16: Health vs. Unhealth - Is Your Energy Expenditure Balanced?

On this podcast, we'll explore the fascinating and often misunderstood world of energy and its profound impact on our health and lives.

In this episode, we delve into a concept that can shift the way you perceive your health and well-being - and help you transform. 

Imagine if the energy you use to remain unhealthy could be channeled into being healthy - because IT CAN! We'll unravel the relationship between energy expenditure and our choices, questioning why we often invest so much in actions that hinder our vitality and keep us from feeling our best.

Tune in as I empower you to make conscious choices, to redirect your energy toward a path of optimal health and longevity. After all, if your energy is limited, why not invest it in being the healthiest, happiest version of yourself??? 

Join us in this eye-opening discussion that could reshape how you approach your choices and health journey.

Episode 17: Rocky Wisdom- Finding Balance in a World of Health Myths

Join me for a fascinating podcast episode that emphasizes the uniqueness of each person's journey to optimal health and well-being. 

I'm sharing a personal story about some incredible rock formations my husband and I encountered while riding bikes along the rocky shores of Maine. These rock formations were all balancing in their own unique ways - and I thought of you all immediately because these rocks have everything to do with your optimal health and longevity.

The way in which each person finds balance mind, body, and spirit - which is how you create optimal health and feel aligned, connected, and whole - is unique compared with every other being on the planet. 

Yet so often we are shown manipulative images and messages creating self-doubt, tempting us by saying that this one program or approach or strategy is going to be THE way to BE and feel our best and healthiest. And this just is not true.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to health and well-being, there's only YOUR unique approach.

Can't wait for you to listen!!!

Episode 18: Harnessing Mindset for Lifelong Health with Jessi Coletti

I'm excited to introduce you to an amazing woman I'm honored to call a friend and colleague, Jessi Coletti.

An extraordinary creator, musician, mother, friend, entrepreneur, business & manifestation coach - and so much more - Jessi is joining me to let us into some of her most vulnerable and challenging health-related experiences and the lessons they've taught her.

Jessi shares her insights about mindset and thinking as keys to whole health and longevity.

Join us for this interview as we discuss:
  • How the way we think helps us stay connected 
  • Why self-love, self-worth, and grace help us heal and stay healthy
  • What Jessi's fertility health journey taught her about worthiness and more
  • Faith, hope, optimism - why these things matter and the proof that they do - at your cellular level

This is a really special episode. On behalf of all of our listeners, thank you to Jessi for your willingness to share so vulnerably and openly with us. Your stories will impact so many lives. I'm grateful!  

Episode 19: Empowerment Over Manipulation: Protecting Your Health Online

Especially in the online and social media spaces, there are a lot of people trying to create self-doubt. 
There's always someone saying that they have a product, service, program, or approach that is EXACTLY what you NEED to heal, to be healthy, to feel your best.
I've fallen into this trap many times over the past 20+ years on my own health and healing journey, and my clients have too - so I get it - and I'm sure many of you have been taken advantage of too. 
This podcast episode is about the importance of empowerment and vigilance in the online health and healing space. We'll talk about exercising discernment and trusting your intuition as you navigate the world of health products and practitioners out there - and it's a BIG world!!!  

I feel VERY protective of your optimal health and longevity, and preserving your own self-trust and intuition is important to me. 
Any practitioner with integrity who has the best interest of your health and wellbeing at heart, like me, will NEVER create doubt or uncertainty in you. 

Trust yourself and your heart. Everything you need to feel healthy and whole - mind, body, and spirit - is within you. The magic you're looking for isn't out there, it's in you.
 I can't wait for you to meet our surprise special guest who stopped in to make her first appearance in the show!!! 

Episode 20: Empowerment Over Manipulation: Protecting Your Health Online - Part 2

Join me for Part 2 of Empowerment Over Manipulation: Protecting Your Health Online.

In this bite-sized episode, I'm sharing a few final words of wisdom about the importance of staying connecting with yourself and how you're feeling when you're consuming health related content online.

Any health practitioner, doctor, health coach, or healer with integrity who has the best interest of your optimal health and longevity at heart will never prey on you, especially in private messages or DMs.

Trust yourself. Your heart and your intuition will always lead you in the most aligned direction for you.

This will become an increasingly important topic as the online health world continues to grow and become noisier. 

When you let your heart guide you (not your head), you'll find the doorways you're meant to walk through.

Episode 21: The Outhouse Incident: Adventures in Almost Pooping My Pants

Intrigued? Well, you should be!! 

If you're ready for a laugh alongside some health-conscious wisdom, you'll love this episode. 

Today I'm sharing a very honest and vulnerable story that happened to me recently while traveling, and exactly what this has to do with your optimal health and longevity.

While there is absolutely a humorous element to this show, we'll also dive into the deeper message of body awareness and listening to your body's signals.

When you're in alignment with your natural state - which is optimal health - not only are your mind, body, and spirit connected with each other, they're also connected to the environment.

Come laugh and learn with me!

Episode 22: Beyond Hormones: Unmasking the Truth of Menstrual Symptoms

In honor of recording on the Full Harvest Moon, this episode is about moon cycles (aka periods). 

Periods and menstruation are an interesting yet often misunderstood aspect of women's health.

Hormones have been incorrectly blamed for decades for the discomfort and symptoms women experience before and during their periods. 

In this show, I am going to give you the TRUTH about what's really going on behind the scenes in women's bodies, and why so many of us experience symptoms and pain associated with our periods.

This shift in perspective will be eye-opening if you've never heard it before. Can't wait for you to join in this short, bite-sized show!!

Episode 23: Healing in Motion: A Loving Approach to Off-Days

This next podcast episode is about what to do on days when you're NOT feeling your best, healthiest, or most aligned.

Everyone has "off-days". It's completely normal. We've all been there, and I was just there last week. Maybe you were too, or maybe you're there right now. 

Maybe you wake up feeling unwell, drained, tired, not yourself, or cranky. Maybe you have a headache or your digestion is feeling off.

There are countless reasons you might feel off balance or unwell on any given day - whether it's physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, spiritually, or otherwise. 

How do you help yourself move through it the best and fastest way possible? That's what I'm talking about in this show.

When you get out of your head and move into your heart, you'll be amazed at the loving guidance that pours through.

If you have a hard time giving yourself permission to slow down on challenging days, this show is your permission slip.

Episode 24: Unearthing the Physical Root Causes of Health Issues

In this episode of The Bridge: A Transformational Health Podcast with yours truly, Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers, we’re continuing with our root cause series to uncover the root causes of health issues across the layers of your multidimensional health. 

Today, we delve into the realm of physical health root causes, laying the foundation for an enlightening series that will empower you to take control of your health and well-being.

In this episode, we cover the basic 101 of root causes at the physical health level:

1.Toxins: Exploring how toxins can impact your health.

2.Pathogens: Understanding the role of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in health imbalances.

3.Neurotoxins and Dermatoxins: How the products of toxins and pathogens affect you.

4.Adrenal Gland Issues: How substances produced by the nervous system can disrupt overall health.

5.Liver Issues: Delving into how these organs play a vital role in overall well-being.

6.Chronic Dehydration: The importance of proper hydration for maintaining health.

7.Hydrochloric Acid and Bile Issues: Digestive factors that influence health.

8.High Fat and High Protein Diet: Exploring dietary choices and their effects on physical health.

9.Physical Injury

As we journey deeper into the "Root Cause Series," we will examine each of these root causes individually in upcoming episodes, providing you with valuable insights and practical strategies so you know how to target them.

Don't forget to subscribe to the show to stay informed about future episodes in this enlightening series.

Remember, understanding root causes is a key to optimal health and longevity.