
Welcome to the

You’ve probably heard the phrase “set your intention” before, and you’ve probably set intentions without even realizing it.  When you start the car and decide to go to the store – you’re setting an intention to go there (you’re just not necessarily being INTENTIONAL about it!). The practice and act of intention setting, when done […]

April 8, 2022


Here’s how to STOP. I have a question for you… Do you feel like you’re often saying sorry for things you don’t need to? Are you using language that takes from your inner power and makes it sound like you’re unsure of yourself? (Like, “I just wanted to…”) Do you make self-deprecating “jokes” (Like “Oh, […]

December 17, 2021

Step into your power

Let me debunk that for you RIGHT NOW! Using intentions is an excellent practice for many reasons.  One aspect that’s often overlooked is how essential intentions are for the foundational work of your lasting health and well-being.  Intentions aid in healing! When you set an intention, you’re sending an energetic signal to the universe.  You’re […]

November 26, 2021