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Using intentions is an excellent practice for many reasons. One aspect that’s often overlooked is how essential intentions are for the foundational work of your lasting health and well-being. Intentions aid in healing!
When you set an intention, you’re sending an energetic signal to the universe. You’re communicating through energy.
You’re telling the universe that your intention is what you will do. The universe receives your message and responds with a similar energy, frequency and vibration.
The thing is, for intentions to aid in healing you can’t just state your intention and hope that the universe will do the heavy lifting for you.
YOU have to take the first steps.
It’s YOUR job to have to meet the universe halfway.
YOU have to follow through on your end. In your thoughts, your energy, and your actions
This is the magic of co-creation. It applies to your health and healing too.
Let me share a little bit of foundational healing work that’s helped me. It’s incredibly valuable and easy to do— you can implement it today. (And you should!)
This is a great place to start and it will make intentions work for you.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but it needs to be repeated because it really works — practicing gratitude is important.
Studies show that gratitude is associated with better physical health and more positive social relationships, along with less depression and greater subjective well-being.
Gratitude AND intentions aid in healing..
You’re probably thinking— “What does practicing gratitude have to do with intentions? Why do we need to practice it?”
When life hits you with hard times, either emotionally or physically, and you’re not feeling your best, it’s hard to see beyond the challenges and notice all the light that’s around you.
Sometimes it feels hard to focus on the positive when you’re faced with the negative or stressful, but it’s in those times that gratitude can be the most helpful.
Gratitude allows you to shift your focus to something positive that is emotionally charged for you, making it more powerful.
For example, if you’re stressing out over something that didn’t go right, step back for a moment and tune into yourself. Think of a time where things DID go right. Think of a moment in a peaceful place where you FEEL happy and calm.
Focus on THAT feeling instead, and your thoughts and intention will shift to a more positive state. Why? Because energy follows thought- it IS that simple. It’s one reason why intentions aid in healing.
When you turn negative, stressful thoughts into thoughts that better serve you – your mind will shift to a more positive state. This allows your thoughts to be more open and receptive, rather than focusing on what you’re lacking or what’s gone wrong.
The same concept applies to your health and aid in healing.
Remember a time when you did heal, when you did come out strong, and when you felt your healthiest. If you can’t remember a time, imagine it. See it happening. Imagine yourself feeling healthy, confident, powerful, and well.
Your body has the ability to do great things. Your body has the ability to do much more than we give it credit for.
Focusing on how thankful you are that your body heals and overcomes setbacks, that your immune system is strong and naturally fights for you, will send an energetic signal to all the cells in your body and to the universe.
This will set intentions in your body and in the universe that will aid in healing. This will help you KNOW that you can and WILL have vibrant and radiant health and well-being.
Not only will you feel more positive, but this gratitude practice will make your health goals feel more attainable.
Being grateful you were born to heal and to continue to step into a more powerful version of yourself will keep your cells- your entire BEing – and the universe in tune with the energy frequency of optimal health.
Focus on what your body can and has done for you. No matter where you’ve been and where you are today – know that the healing and health you desire is your birthright.
Visualize yourself healthy, climbing over hurdles, walking strong, and accomplishing your goals. This will help you make those goals a reality. This will help your intentions aid in healing.
The more you focus on things you feel grateful for, the more you will actually FEEL positive, and this will AMPLIFY your intentions. This means the energy you send out will be even stronger.
Even when you don’t feel like you have much to be grateful for, there is always something.
Consider what you’re grateful for and why to amplify intentions that aid in healing.
You can think of something simple that still has meaning to get you started:
Why are you grateful for your family? How do they show up for you?
Why are you grateful for your health? What parts of your body always help you accomplish your goals? (your mind for creativity and holding intentions, your hands for writing and typing, your limbs for getting you to all the places you need to go, etc.)
Why are you grateful for your success? What events or people are you grateful for that helped you succeed? What has your success allowed you to do, or who has it allowed you to help?
Why are you grateful for your breath? What does it allow you to do? Does it calm you? Does it help you ground yourself?
What about your partner? Do they walk alongside you on this healing journey? Do they unconditionally support you?
Today, I want you to journal (or even just think!) about five things that you’re deeply grateful for and consider why you feel grateful for those things. You don’t have to run out and buy a fancy journal if you don’t want to (but who doesn’t love a good, fresh journal?). This can even be scribbled on a napkin if that’s all you have on hand.
I’ll share an example that helps me to set my intention for each day.
One thing that always comes to mind for me is I’m so incredibly grateful for my soulmate, Paul, who walks alongside me on this lifelong healing journey. Thinking of this fills me with immense appreciation, love, and happiness.
These feelings then amplify my intention to embody a lifelong healing journey, making them MUCH MORE POWERFUL.
This is what I want you to focus on now as you consider what you’re grateful for.
Reflect on how you’re feeling emotionally and physically as you’re expressing gratitude for your five things.
And physically, do you feel energetic? Do you feel like you could go and accomplish everything you desire? Does your heart start racing? Do you find a smile creeping onto your face?
Focus on these feelings as you set your intentions. This will boost the energy of your intentions, help them aid in healing, and the universe will respond right back with that same type of energy and frequency.
I’ve included some journaling prompts below that will help you look inward and start getting those positive vibes flowing.
Try to start off every morning by journaling or thinking about three things that fill you with gratitude to ensure you begin every day in a positive mood.
Even if you find your mindset shifting towards negativity during the day, it’s okay! Bring it back to your gratitude and intention to aid in healing and shifting to a more positive place.
Just take a moment, breathe, and think of something you’re grateful for. Let it fill you with joy, and carry that feeling with you instead. Set the intention to only nourish positivity for the rest of the day.
We tend to complicate the healing journey and think all the answers are outside of ourselves in the external environment. The most powerful tool you have at our disposal is right inside you— your mind.
THIS, my friends- gratitude, intentions, foundational work- is really where it all starts. Healing yourself from the inside out is the key to healthy aging and lasting wellness.
If you’re looking for more help or resources on your healing journey, book a HEAL consultation with me!
I’m sending you so much healing energy today.
Dr. Elizabeth
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