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We’re living in a time when everyone is looking for the best natural antiviral tips and remedies. Health care is a costly expense not just for our pockets but on our lives as a whole. Anything you can do to strengthen your immune system is going to serve you and your family well now and into the future.
Believe it or not, there are AMAZING ways to fight viruses that are natural AND don’t cost much at all- some of them are even free!! There is science and research to back these tips too.
I’m going to fill you in on 3 of the BEST natural antiviral remedies today will also strengthen your immune system! These tips are backed by evidence, won’t expose you to harmful substances, and the best news-they won’t break the bank either! (Can we say WIN-WIN-WIN ‘Office’ fans?!)
Our senses are like filtration and warning systems for our immune systems.
Although they aren’t given the credit they deserve. After all, we were BORN with the capacity to heal. We were born with immune systems that are designed to overcome adversity and protect us from the harsh world we live in.
Our senses are the immune system’s first line of defense. They serve as warning signs that can send signals all throughout our bodies.
We tend to take this for granted and overlook or poo poo the power of our senses, but they shouldn’t be underestimated.
With the current pandemic, we’re being told to isolate ourselves while we’re bombarded by stress in countless ways. One thing we’re not being told is that these efforts to keep us healthy are actually successfully weakening our immune systems and making us prime targets for viruses and infections.
We also aren’t being told that there are natural ways we can protect ourselves and strengthen our immune systems.
The best natural antiviral remedies I’m about to tell you about aren’t the typical recommendations. And you won’t find them on any old Google search. But I can promise you, these solutions can make a world of difference in protecting ourselves.
Here are three natural virus-fighting remedies you can use at home:
Scents impact our immune system and health, and they are all around us.
If we smell something that isn’t good to us, it isn’t pleasing to our bodies and immune systems either. When we smell and inhale a scent, we are breathing in and ingesting tiny particles too.
We are surrounded by scents everywhere in our environment, and many of them we cannot avoid like gasoline, and giant diesel trucks flying by blowing that awful dark smoke up into the air as they go.
Whenever possible, try to avoid harmful scents like second hand smoke, and walking through the perfume and makeup counters at the department stores. (HELLO HARMFUL CHEMICALS!)
If anything has a “chemically” smell, then it is full of chemicals. In these cases, your best bet is to get away from it.
There may be things in your home that you think are improving the scent of your environment or yourself such as candles or perfumes. But in fact, even these pleasant scents are harmful to you.
Things like air fresheners (plug-in or not), scented candles (sorry ladies!), and some perfumes, colognes, and aftershaves are LOADED with chemicals. When we inhale them, the chemicals go straight to our livers.
Our livers along with our immune systems are already working hard to protect us from toxins, exposures, and pathogens that pose a threat to us. When we overload them with harmful scents, it’s like pushing someone’s head under water when they are trying to come up for air-suffocating.
Do yourself a favor, take inventory for these items around your home and get rid of them.
Looking for a healthy replacement? Try essential oils.
There are specific scents that can protect us from viruses and pathogens, as well as make our homes and us smell good.
Here are some that are great for the immune system:
We’re a society of shallow breathers. We don’t walk around every day telling ourselves to fill up and empty our lungs when we breathe.
Answer this question to yourself: when is the last time you intentionally took one deep breath? How about several in a row?
If you had to think about it for a while, this could be the most important tip for you.
When we don’t take deep breaths, we are not helping ourselves to activate our parasympathetic nervous systems-which help us relax and calm down.
Living in a stressful world, multitasking, doing all the things, and running our brains nonstop going from one thought to the next keeps us in a constant state of fight or flight. This means our sympathetic nervous systems are overactive.
As a result, we’re not making a concerted effort to intentionally STOP the madness.
What does this have to do with our immunity? EVERYTHING.
If our sympathetic nervous systems are overactive, this creates chronic stress, which compromises the immune system and leads to illness.
One of the best things you can do to boost your immunity is breathwork.
In fact, researchers at Harvard in the 1980s and more recently medical researchers in the Netherlands found that through meditation and deep breathing, people can control things like their immune response.
It can be as simple as taking some intentional deep breaths-feel yourself fill and empty your lungs completely. When you empty your lungs completely, you get rid of stale air and junk that you’ve been storing that you no longer need.
Here’s one of my favorite breathwork exercises I do every day, it’s called alternate nostril breathing, aka Nadi Shodhana Pranayama.
Often, I’ll set a timer for 5 minutes to do this. It helps you to get out of your head too.
Here’s what you do:
Just like our breath, and our sense of smell, our ears and ability to hear are part of our immune system and act as warning signals.
Certain sounds can damage our immune systems. Think of sounds that you just can’t stand, really bother you, or get you irritated, or distracted-these are warning signs and they take a toll on your immune system.
Einstein taught us that “Everything is energy that’s all there is to it.” and every sound is made up of an energetic frequency that impacts us down to a cellular level. Research has been conducted that proved this.
Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who showed the world that human consciousness can affect the molecular structure of things like water, wrote a book called Messages in the Water in which he showed that things like plants and water molecules are impacted by the sounds and words that are used around them.
Water molecules and plants that were labeled with positive words and played classical music were perfect in cellular structure and beautiful.
On the other hand, those that were labeled with negative words and played metal music and loud, destructive sounds turned out to be very unhealthy and molecules were not just imperfect in structure—they were destroyed.
We are no different than these plants and water molecules, as we are mostly made up of water as well.
Our bodies and immune systems are impacted in the same way by sounds. Surrounding yourself with positive, healing sounds WILL boost your immune system and protect it, not to mention de-stress you.
Other than classical music, there are a lot of options out there.
I personally LOVE to listen to Solfeggio Frequencies and audios at certain Hertz (Hz), which are known to impact us on an energetic level and are also very healing.
For example 741Hz is known to boost the immune system naturally and assist in clearing infections. Solfeggio frequencies are part of an ancient scale with 6 tones, and they were believed to be used in sacred music and were ancient healing codes.
These frequencies help to keep our bodies, minds, and spirits in balance and harmony.
There are 6 main frequencies with 9 total, I’ll share some of my favorite YouTube links, but if you look any of these up on YouTube you will find a TON of them and you can create a folder of your favorites like I did.
The 6 main frequencies are:
-396 Hz; 417Hz, 528Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, 852Hz.
We should be empowered not weakened during this time, and this is exactly what my tips aim to do. If you implement these, you’ll naturally improve and strengthen your immune system, and you’ll help protect yourself from viruses. These tips align with our senses, and we need to be tuning back into these natural warning systems and signals we were born with. These are some of the BEST natural antiviral remedies out there that we all have access to!
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