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Most people deal with emotional wounds but have a hard time speaking about them. And for a good reason; why would you want to think about subjects that trigger you? That make you feel unsafe?
Healing emotional wounds is a process. It requires turning inward. Sometimes it means healing your inner child so that you can take back the things that were taken from you when you were hurt – like that feeling of safety. One key is to be gentle with yourself above all else.
When you’re healing through your emotional wounds, avoid the temptation to numb yourself or push away the feelings that come up for you. Maybe you’ve tried a coping mechanism that wasn’t healthy because it helped you tune out the pain or negative feelings. It can be so tempting to just listen to that voice saying “I can’t do this; it’s too hard for me, I give up.”
This is SO important to remember – the truth is that the voice telling you that you can’t do this and tempting you to choose not to deal with your feeling – it isn’t you. Feels good to know that, right?!
So now that you know you aren’t your thoughts, you get to choose to do something different instead. Maybe that’s making yourself a bath and tea for yourself so you can feel nurtured as you cry or release some emotions. It could be journaling your feelings and thoughts. Maybe it’s allowing yourself to be supported.
You have to feel it to heal it. Numbing yourself or resisting the feelings is a choice too.
You want to avoid tuning out, choosing to numb yourself, and giving up. Creating an environment for yourself that feels safe where you can connect with yourself is important.
When you’re beginning to overcome emotional wounds it can even feel awkward. Many people aren’t used to connecting with themselves intentionally or practicing self-love. That’s another reason why being kind and gentle to yourself is vital during this process.
Healing is never linear, it ebbs and flows. You’ll have times where you fall back into negative thoughts, patterns, self-sabotaging habits or unhealthy behaviors.
You WILL make mistakes.
And that’s perfectly normal and okay! It’s just a part of the journey, and when you have patience with yourself, you’ll give yourself the space you need to move through the healing process.
Some may think, “my trauma isn’t as bad as someone else’s trauma; I shouldn’t feel this way.” Wrong! Trauma and emotional wounds come in ALL shapes and sizes.
Your emotional wounds aren’t more or less challenging than someone else’s. They just are. Every person has their own set of challenges to heal through. They’re not better or worse than yours. They’re just different.
There’s no right or wrong way to respond to trauma and emotional wounds. It’s important to acknowledge everyone has them, and give yourself permission to turn inward and recognize what yours are.
The feelings and stories that come along with emotional wounds aren’t something you’re choosing to have— it’s an emotional and reactive response to a traumatic event that occurred outside of your control. Emotional wounds leave imprints on your cells.
When you have emotional wounds (which we all do) symptoms could range from feeling uncomfortable speaking or reading about a topic to a full-blown panic or anxiety attack.
It doesn’t look the same for everyone, and lack of symptoms doesn’t invalidate your emotional wounds. In fact, it’s extremely common to be disconnected from the experience, trauma, or feelings. Many of my clients over the years compartmentalize their emotional wounds.
Beginning to heal emotional wounds is a part of your healing journey that you should focus on when you feel ready so that you BE healthy and well. There are a few tips that will help you as you begin healing your emotional wounds, such as:
You have to feel it to heal it. No matter how much you want to turn on Netflix or just avoid your feelings completely, choose not to tune out. Try to let the emotions just take over for a little bit. FEEL the emotions.
Suppressing your feelings will only force them to manifest later in disempowering ways. Your shadow self is trying to tell you what needs to be healed with every emotion you feel— don’t ignore it, allow it.
It’s important to treat your mind and body with the same love and kindness you’d give to a partner, child, or loved one, especially when you’re not feeling your best.
Take moments during your day to reflect on what nourishing yourself looks like and what steps you can take to honor your needs. Don’t neglect your health: drink water, eat natural foods that heal you, and do things that bring you joy. Move your body when you feel stuck, even if it’s just a few stretches. Go outside and inhale the crisp air.
It’s hard to be vulnerable, making it hard to reach out, even when you need it the most. Most people struggle with asking for help; maybe they don’t want to feel like a burden, they want to feel like they’ve got it all under control, or they see asking for help as a sign of weakness.
Acknowledging that you can’t do it alone and reaching out for guidance will steer you in the right direction and help put things into perspective. When you reach out for support, the Universe will respond. You can make quantum leaps on your healing journey when you allow yourself to receive.
Surround yourself with those who love, respect, and support you and have your best interest at heart. People that fill you up and energize you. Avoid the drainers.
Most importantly, you have to be ready to heal, and that means self-responsibility. No one can do the work for you, which is why getting support is such a no brainer.
It’s not an easy journey, but it’s a necessary one for you to live your best life. I know it’s hard to give yourself the love you need— but I promise you it’s the love you deserve.
If you’re looking for a way to overcome your emotional trauma in a supportive container or want help reaching your goals and stepping into your own power, come book a HEAL consultation with me. My 6- Month Sapphire Healing Experience is a safe place to grow and heal at your own pace.
Sending you so much love on your journey,
Dr. Elizabeth
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