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Anxiety is not just a chronic emotional and mental symptom with which many people struggle. Anxiety is now a common daily issue that is stopping people at least 30% of adults from showing up and living their best lives. It’s stopping people from experiencing optimal health: mind, body, and spirit. Fortunately, there are home remedies for anxiety, and what I’ll share today is out of the box.
The literal definition of anxiety is “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” It’s expected that people experience anxiety during events that are stressful to them like public speaking. In these scenarios the reaction is considered healthy and serves as a protective function.
When those feelings of worry, fear, and nervousness are persistent and excessive and they interfere with your daily life, other negative pains and symptoms start to occur. You might experience heart palpitations or a racing heart, mystery physical body aches and pains, headaches or migraines, low energy, or fatigue.
Other well-known, short term signs and symptoms that can result from daily anxiety include:
Anxiety can manifest in physical, mental, and/or emotional ways in your body. As you reflect, have you experienced any of these signs and symptoms? If you’re noticing a combination of two or three of them regularly, it’s a helpful reminder to read on for the home remedies for anxiety that will make a very positive difference.
When anxiety is consuming your life in some way each day, it’s time to do something about it. If left unaddressed, chronic anxiety can lead to a wide range of negative health consequences that result for a variety of reasons including a weakened immune system. Research has shown that long-term effects of anxiety include:
In reality, traditional science and research still has a long way to go and a lot of ground to cover when it comes to anxiety and chronic illness. As a doctor who is literally clinically trained to understand, analyze, and identify the root causes of symptoms and health issues, the home remedies for anxiety I’m going to share with you today come along with some empowering education too.
First, there is a combination of what I call “root causes” that must be present in your body for anxiety to occur. This is exactly why I call them “root causes” because without them the symptom or health issue, in this case anxiety, could not exist. You could call these “root causes” factors or conditions that must exist for a physical or emotional symptom or health issue to occur. Okay, now let me connect the dots from this nerdy definition to the home remedies for anxiety.
If you’re experiencing anxiety there’s most likely a combination of two things interfering with your health: viruses and toxic heavy metals. Although anxiety can be caused by viruses or toxic heavy metals on their own, it’s usually a combo creating the issue. Why? Honestly there’s no positive spin I can put on this: the truth is everyone has viruses and toxic heavy metals in their bodies. How many, how much, where they’re located, and in what varieties is different for each individual. You may or may not have already been aware of this tidbit.
What about emotional trauma and conflict? Of course they can trigger, worsen, or intensify anxiety. So how do you apply home remedies for anxiety to resolve this stuff? You target those “root causes” and symptoms at the same time.
These home remedies for anxiety will provide you with some instant relief when you need to manage a tough moment, AND they’ll get you on a path to sustainable health and wellness by going after the underlying issues that need to be addressed with long-term solutions. These home remedies for anxiety need to target the physical and emotional factors that contribute to anxiety.
You are not your emotions.
Read that again.
You are not your emotions.
Has anyone ever told you that before? Even if you’ve heard this, it’s important that you remember it. Consider making this one of your new mantras if you struggle with stress and anxiety. Writing this down some place where you’ll see it often “I am NOT my thoughts and emotions.” will be a helpful practice in stopping those emotional triggers in their tracks.
If you’re not your thoughts and emotions, then what are you? You’re the observer of your thoughts and emotions. How do you deal with your thoughts and emotions and successfully “separate” yourself from them so that, they’re not getting the best of you and impacting your mental and emotional health-which of course impacts your physical health?
First, remember that you’re a high vibrational being experiencing different frequencies in the forms of thoughts and emotions. Stay present with whatever you’re going through and remember it’s a frequency you’re feeling in this now moment.
Every thought and emotion is a different frequency you feel in every now moment. Simply allow it to be okay. This is how you alchemize and shift out of this feeling state and into a better, higher state in the easiest and most graceful way-without trying to control anything!
Okay well this is all helpful to know but are there any home remedies for anxiety that can STOP the anxiety and make it go away? That’s what I’m going to tell you how to do now.
When you feel anxiety and need to do something immediately to feel better, you have to communicate with your thoughts and emotions-just like you’re communicating with another person. You have to take control.
The human brain can be broken down into three parts that ultimately control you:
This means that effective home remedies for anxiety need to help you take control over all three parts of your brain to stop the anxiety. That is exactly what this remedy is designed to do.
Here are the steps to follow:
Say to yourself “I move my attention to [insert something positive].”
Home remedies for anxiety need to target the physical factors in the body that contribute to anxiety like viruses and toxic heavy metals, while supporting the physical signs and symptoms of anxiety. The following home remedies for anxiety will also support your long-term health and wellness by protecting your immune system.
1. Flood your system with fruit: Your body needs glucose, which is the sugar contained in fruit, to do more than survive. It needs glucose to heal and thrive. Including a lot of fruits in your life will not only facilitate healing, it will help eliminate the viruses and toxic heavy metals that are contributing to your anxiety. The following list of fruits are specifically healing for anxiety. There is no such thing as “too much” fruit. I recommend having a fruit breakfast or smoothie, and lots of fruit snacks during the day.
2. Try these healing recipes, 100% of the ingredients support healing anxiety:
Anti-Anxiety Leafy Green Salad (makes 2 servings):
8 cups leafy greens (spinach, arugula, butter lettuce, mustard greens, kale, swiss chard, mâché)
1 cup diced asparagus
1 cup chopped celery
1 cucumber sliced
½ cup chopped parsley
½ cup sprouts or microgreens
2 cups diced apples
2 lemons, limes, or oranges juiced on top (in place of dressing)
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (recipe by Medical Medium):
1 cup fresh orange juice
1 cup cilantro
2 cups frozen wild blueberries
2 bananas
1 tsp spirulina
1 tsp barley grass juice powder
1 small handful Atlantic dulse
3. Here is a list of supplements with my favorite safe recommendations to support anxiety and long-term healing:
Note: I do not receive support from these companies, they are simply the safest in my expert opinion
4. These are some of the best healing essential oils for anxiety, with some recipes!
Anti-Anxiety Essential Oil Recipe:
Anti-Overwhelm Essential Oil Recipe:
*These essential oil recipes are great for one time use in a diffuser. You can also place 1-2 drops of the blend in your hands and take 3-5 deep breaths. Other great recommendations are to grab some roller balls and fractionated coconut oil so you can make a larger amount to rub on pulse points or behind the neck.
If you implement the home remedies for anxiety consistently, you will absolutely be able to heal your anxiety. You’ll notice positive changes and improvements in your overall health and wellness too, because these home remedies for anxiety are also remedies that support your health in so many other ways. The physical health remedies will deliver essential vitamins and nutrients, boost your immune system, and help prevent chronic illness. The recommendations in part one will support your overall emotional health by helping to restore balance while building new neural pathways to healthy habits. Comment below and tell me which home remedies for anxiety you’re trying!
1. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: The complex interaction between anxiety and cognition: insight from special and verbal working memory
2. NCBI: Risk Factors: Anxiety and risk of cardiac events
3. American Migraine Foundation: Understanding the relationship between migraine and mental health
4. Harvard Medical School: Anxiety and physical illness
5. Journal of Digestive Diseases: Anxiety and depression in various functional gastrointestinal disorders: Do differences exist?
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