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A new year, a new chance to start over, right? At least that’s what everyone says at the beginning of every year. But instead of rushing headfirst into this crisp new year we have ahead of us, can we all just take a big deep breath in and chill for a second?
These last few years have been rough on literally everyone. It’s been a lot. It’s hard to cope with all the stress in the outside world when you already have trauma and emotional wounds that you deal with regularly in your inside world. We’ve already been making changes and adjustments to our lives in big ways and small ways and now…
Now everywhere you look, there’s some ad trying to convince you to buy their product or join their program so you can make some sort of change for a “new year, new you.” Does New Year’s Day have magical powers that make us more likely to stick to our resolutions? No! The thing is that in reality – news flash! – New Year’s Day is just like any other day. Most people quickly abandon their resolutions.
Because real change doesn’t happen just because you tell yourself that at 12:01 AM January 1st you’ll start working on what’s important. Real change can happen WHENEVER YOU CHOOSE.
So I want you to take a moment and think today— ask yourself: “What am I going to do with the time I have?”
It’s a big question for sure, but do you want to look back a year from now and see that you’ve not moved forward at all from where you are now? The truth is that if one year from now you’re still standing in the same place, you actually didn’t stand in place. With all the opportunity costs, by standing still you actually moved backward. I don’t know about you, but I don’t plan on even starting the next MONTH or WEEK in the same place I am right now.
Because life is all about change and growth. It’s a life-long healing journey. And I don’t mean only physically healing. We aren’t just physical beings. We are equal parts physical and non-physical beings. Our physical bodies are not dominant over our non-physical bodies, our souls. We can’t just jump into big changes without healing parts of ourselves and removing barriers that are holding us back.
TRUE healing impacts every aspect of ourselves:
And we can’t just let those wounds fester. Sometimes, they may be buried deep in our subconscious. Both need love and attention because who knows when they’ll come to light at a vulnerable time?
If you…
… then, you can most likely assume you have some wounds that need healing.
You may be thinking, “Okay, I have trauma, so what? What do I do about it?”
Well, many of us run away from our emotions or bottle them up. We’re afraid of what they make us feel, what they make us remember, and what issue they make us face head-on. But facing and feeling through each issue is just what we need to do in order to heal and move on.
But it’s easier said than done. You can’t just snap your fingers and overcome emotional wounds! Healing is a process and you HAVE to be gentle with yourself above all else.
No matter how your emotions make you feel, dip your toes in the water and try to let the emotions just take over for a little bit. FEEL the emotions. Suppressing your thoughts and feelings will only force them to manifest later in more destructive and disempowering ways. Your shadow self is trying to tell you what needs to be healed with every emotion you feel— don’t ignore it, allow it.
Especially when you’re not feeling your best, it’s important to treat your mind and body with the same love and kindness you’d give to a partner, child, or loved one. Take moments during your day to reflect on what nourishing yourself looks like and what steps you can take to honor what you need. Don’t neglect your health: drink water, eat natural foods that are healing for you like fruits and vegetables, and do things that bring you joy. Move your body when you feel stuck, even if it’s just a few stretches. Go inhale the crisp air outside and breathe deeply.
Many people struggle with reaching out. Maybe they don’t want to feel like a burden, they just want to feel like they’ve got it all under control, or they see asking for help as a sign of weakness. Let me tell you right now— ASKING FOR HELP IS A SIGN OF STRENGTH.
Acknowledging that you can’t do it alone and reaching out for guidance will absolutely steer you in the right direction and help put things into perspective. We are co-creators. When you reach out for support the Universe will respond back, and you can make quantum leaps on your healing journey. If you’re ready to invest in a professional’s help, there are so many options out there, both in-person and online.
Like I mentioned above, you have to come to terms with what you feel. You can’t ignore those feelings or allow them to get bottled up— it’s a recipe for future health setbacks. As humans, it’s natural to move toward safety, comfort, and self-preservation mode. Confronting hard feelings is the last thing most of us want to do. We tend to avoid it and hope it goes away if we don’t acknowledge it.
The things we ignore and suppress are often at the root of some of the biggest barriers holding you back. So inevitably, they’re some of the things that need to be brought to light the most to be healed. Accept what you’ve gone through, accept how it makes you feel, and then ask yourself how you can support yourself in healing from it. Then take the first step towards that goal.
Keep in mind that it won’t all be a straight path to perfect healing. Healing gets messy sometimes. Triggers make it hard to overcome certain obstacles – but they come up to teach us lessons along the way. You WILL make mistakes. And THAT’S OKAY! That’s normal! None of us are perfect; we’re all just trying to live our best lives in the healthiest way we can.
Time is so precious. And every minute of every day, we’re given a chance to start over. Start new.
New Year’s Day is a great time to set positive intentions, but it doesn’t have to be the only time of year that you put forth an effort to mend what is not working for your greatest good, your optimal health and well-being.
I know I’m always working on myself. I already know what I’m going to be doing, what I’m already doing, and I’m already planning the next stage and phase of my OWN healing journey because you know what?
Healing never ends. Every day we get a fresh chance to continue to grow and heal.
So take a minute and picture yourself a year from right now. Where do you see yourself? Do you see yourself still in this same place? Or do you want more for yourself?
I know that’s way easier said than done.
If you’re ready to do the work to make those changes, take control of the time you have and really step into your own power to heal mind, body, and spirit, my 6-month Sapphire Healing Experience is a safe place to grow at your own pace and learn to take control of your time.
Healing happens on every layer and dimension, which is why I am so incredibly passionate about the work I do – fulfilling my life’s purpose to be here, to serve as the bridge between science and spirit, to guide you to heal yourself, to take your power back, and to reclaim the vibrant, radiant health that is your birthright.
If you’re looking for more guidance or want better help reaching your goals during your healing journey, book a HEAL consultation with me!
And remember, this is your moment, so don’t waste it.
I’m sending you so much healing energy today.
Dr. Elizabeth
© 2021-2025 Healthy Transformations with Heart, LLC
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