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10 Hidden Household Toxins Sabotaging You and Your Family’s Health
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Did you know that everything in life is a mirror? Every single thing you do or say is a reflection of you.
Let me explain.
When you tell yourself certain stories, they can help form beliefs that limit you and hold you back from being your truest and best self.
And let’s face it – we all want to look, feel, and be our best.
The truth is that all beliefs are limiting because they help to shape who you’re being, how you’re being, and what you do, feel, and have as a result.
But limiting beliefs that impact you negatively – that’s what we’re talking about here.
Limiting beliefs are usually formed throughout your life. From the ages of 0 through around 8 years, you’re basically a little sponge.
You absorb everything going on around you – your experiences and your environment – including all the things your parents say, do, and the ways you observe them being.
So imagine you had a mom who was super stressed and emotionally reactive. Then imagine that you watched her being that way for 8 years – now it makes sense why you were an emotionally reactive kid (and maybe still an emotionally reactive adult?)
You may not even realize exactly what your negative limiting beliefs are until you really stop and spend some time thinking about this more deeply.
Your negative limiting beliefs do not serve you anymore and are just holding you back. They create a barrier and stop you from living the healthy and radiant life that you really want and deserve!!!!
They vary from person to person but are generally in a similar form, such as:
If any of that resonates with you, there are some limiting beliefs that are holding you back. So, let’s take a deeper look at them.
Take a moment right now and think: What is the first limiting thought that pops into your head?
Ask yourself: Is it true?
Absolutely not!
I can assure you that whatever it is – it’s not serving you or your most powerful, healthy, and free life.
We ALL have blind spots that are just barriers. So what are some ways you can work on releasing your negative limiting beliefs? Let me give you a few of my favorite ways that have helped my clients transform mind, body, and spirit:
When does the negative limiting belief seem to pop-up? When you think about the situations when it comes to mind, you can start to identify all the ways this unhelpful belief is taking your power away. How is it holding you back in your life? What is it stopping you from doing? As you start to consider your answers to these questions, it will start to sink in just how much power you’re giving away to this ONE belief – and you have more than one negative limiting belief.
Spend some time writing about the ways your negative limiting belief is damaging you. Think about how your life would be different if your limiting belief just disappeared. Replace it with an empowering belief – a new belief that builds you up instead of tearing you down. One that aligns with the most powerful, healthy, and free version of yourself.
Leave yourself a note somewhere that you’ll see it often to reinforce your new positive and empowering beliefs. There are many apps (some free!) as well that will send you daily or hourly affirmations!
Just a few of my favorites:
Try saying them a few times in the morning to give yourself a little boost.
In order to really take your power back from all your limiting beliefs, you have to take a look inside yourself to get to the bottom of why those limiting beliefs manifested in the first place.
You have to be invested in yourself and turn inward to identify those non-physical root causes. It’s essential to find the cause of what’s creating your barriers so you can thrive in an optimal state of health and well-being.
Healing is an inside job that doesn’t happen overnight.
We all have our blind spots, but I’ve got you. If you’re ready to find yours and take all your power back so you can transform mind, body, and spirit — hop onto a HEAL consultation with me.
Go all-in on yourself. I can promise you that it’s worth it. And you’re worth it too.
Dr. Elizabeth
© 2021-2025 Healthy Transformations with Heart, LLC
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