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When it comes to positive affirmations, they may seem a little “woo” for some. It might be hard to believe that affirmations can really DO anything for us.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Before I actually share some affirmations with you. You should know just how powerful they truly can be for your long-term health and wellness.
You’re an innately intelligent human being and the reason you got that way is because you-your entire being-is intelligent at your cellular level. The cells down to their smallest components are energy.
So everything is energy. As a result, your words, thoughts, and the words of other people around you carry a vibration too. These vibrations impact you and YOUR vibration and energy.
You literally absorb the frequencies created by your own words and thoughts, and so do your cells. Your intelligent cells are impacted by the frequency of the words and thoughts you generate. It’s why you feel exhausted or drained after you’re around certain people or after you watch certain types of things that might be negative or dramatic.
The way you think and the way you talk has an energy that impacts you. In the long-term, having negative or positive thoughts and words can either help you be chronically ill or chronically well. Does this make sense?
Even if you’re a generally positive person, tend to be optimistic, and see the cup half full at some point you’re inevitably going to be surrounded by negativity in the form of other people, events, situations, or messages for example in the form of the media. Negative messages or messages that come along with a stressful or fear-based energy affect you and your cells. Ultimately your energy and overall health are being undermined.
This is why flooding your system with your own positive thoughts and energy is so important for your long-term health and wellness. It’s a way to actually protect yourself and your health. It’s also a way to boost your immune system.
If you’ve been surrounded by negativity for an elongated period time or there’s a negative person that you spend time around frequently, one of the best things you can do is implement positive affirmations in your life. It’s one of the most beneficial healing modalities you can implement for sustainable long-term and wellness. And it’s simple and free.
There’s scientific proof that positive affirmations work. Dr. Masaru Emoto examined the impact of different types of words, phrases, and sounds on water molecules to study the effect of human consciousness on the molecules. He found that water molecules labeled with negative words and phrases were imperfect and destroyed in structure leading to improper function. Water molecules that were labeled with positive messages were perfect and beautiful in structure and function. Heavy metal music led to imperfect water molecule structure whereas classical music led to ideal molecule structure and function.
You are no different than the water molecules Dr. Emoto studied. The cells in your body are affected by the thoughts and words you think and speak. Consider the impact the positive affirmations will have on you down to your cellular level. They will truly fuel sustainable health and wellness, and help you combat health issues.
I’m going to share some of my favorite positive affirmations for health and healing along with a pro- tip for daily implementation that will ultimately lead to helping you re-wire your brain to jumpstart your healing journey.
Positive Healing Affirmations:
“Good health is my divine right. I am open and receptive to all the healing energies in the universe. I know that every cell in my body is intelligent and knows how to heal itself. My body is always working toward perfect health. I now release any and all impediments to my perfect healing. I learn about nutrition and feed my body only wholesome food. I watch my thinking and think only healthy thoughts. I love my body. I send love to each organ, bone, muscle, and part of my body. I flood the cells of my body with love. I am grateful to my body for all the good health I have had in the past. I accept healing and good health here and now.” Louise Hay
I acknowledge that I am feeling [insert your pain or struggle].
I know that I am healing.
I choose to turn my attention to gratitude.
I’m grateful to my body, mind, and spirit for their innate healing wisdom.
I was born with the power to heal myself. My body knows how to heal, instinctively and intuitively. I am cultivating lifelong health and wellness. I’m unstoppable.
I am a powerful being with infinite, cosmic healing potential. I am capable of healing myself from anything I set my focus and commitment on. I have ALL that I need to heal right now. I am infinitely capable of healing myself.
I attract to me people, events, and energy to enhance health, prosperity, and fun.
I deserve health, prosperity, and fun.
My body absorbs appropriate nutrients of everything I consume.
I repel all people, events, pathogens, and energies that are harmful to me and my health.
I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force to remove
All obstructions from my mind and body
And to restore me to perfect health.
I ask this in all sincerity and honesty
And I will do my part.
I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force
To help both present and absent ones who are
In need of help and to restore them to
Perfect health.
I put my trust in the Love and the Power of God.
With every step I take, I’m healing and my self-doubt melts away. I am stronger than my symptoms and setbacks. I’m in charge of my healing.
For giving yourself permission:
I am willing to trust myself and the healing process.
I am willing to believe in my ability to create healing and optimal health.
I allow myself to embody my fullest, most powerful expression and heal myself.
I allow my being down to its cellular, energetic level to align with the frequency of optimal health.
I am worthy of healing mind, body, and soul. I am worthy of receiving the resources and support needed to create a clear path to long-term health and wellness. I am worthy of radiant, vibrant health inside and out.
If you want a long-term health and wellness hack, then try doing following the steps below as a daily routine. Over time, it will create a mental “program” and train your cells to adjust to the frequencies that put you into alignment with those affirmations. Your brain likes a dog and pony show-which is why the water is a part of this process. Everything must exist energetically before it exists in the physical world. By implementing these steps regularly you’re doing the energetic work to manifest these affirmations as a physical reality.
Did you have any favorite positive healing affirmations? Share them with me below!
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