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You have two snack options in front of you.  Fresh fruit… and fruit snacks. Which one do you grab? The fresh fruit is nourishing, healthy, and full of healing benefits for your body down to the cellular level… but the fruit snack?  Not so much. Which option you choose says a lot about where you […]

July 22, 2022


Did you know that everything in life is a mirror? Every single thing you do or say is a reflection of you. Let me explain. When you tell yourself certain stories, they can help form beliefs that limit you and hold you back from being your truest and best self. And let’s face it – […]

June 17, 2022

limiting beliefs

Let me debunk that for you RIGHT NOW! Using intentions is an excellent practice for many reasons.  One aspect that’s often overlooked is how essential intentions are for the foundational work of your lasting health and well-being.  Intentions aid in healing! When you set an intention, you’re sending an energetic signal to the universe.  You’re […]

November 26, 2021