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10 Hidden Household Toxins Sabotaging You and Your Family’s Health
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Recently I had one of the deepest and powerful healing experiences on my lifelong journey, without a doubt one of the most important of my entire lifetime.
My medical intuitive mentor, with their unwavering support and guidance, held the space for me to safely heal as I do each day for so many; I went back and healed the time, place, and memory of when I gave all my power away to an unsupportive relationship. It felt like it had happened only yesterday…
So what made it so special?
Because I took all my power back – from someone who never deserved that power in the first place.
MY power.
So today, I want you to ask yourself: How do you give your power away?
We’ve all been trained to give too much power away – and it’s time we take it back.
There are people along the way in your life that take bits of your power from you, even if you don’t realize it at the time. Partners, friends, bosses, coworkers, and even family members. But it doesn’t have to be a person, it can also be a thing or situation – a lifestyle choice or memory that is not serving your highest and greatest good, or your optimal health and well-being.
The thing is, those people and experiences don’t deserve the power and energy that you give them.
You probably didn’t notice you were giving your power away when it happened. But eventually, you’ll wake up and realize that you’ve been losing yourself along the way. The essence of who you are will be affected – and you’ll feel out of alignment with your own soul. Everything in your life get impacted when you give all your power away – the way you talk to and view yourself can be damaged … and your energy will drain. How much you value yourself will get filtered through the screen of holes punched by the power-takers.
There are countless ways you give your power away. Identifying ONE way will help you start to plug up those holes and reclaim all of your power.
There’s an old saying, “First you create your habits, then your habits create you.” The habits you’ve created can take away your power and hold you back, if they no longer serve you.
They become a barrier to living a vibrant and healthy life. They stop you from working on the things that you need to in order to move forward and accomplish your goals.
Your habits were a choice before they became habits. Choose carefully.
How do you react to stress?
Do you immediately get anxious, panic, or irritated the moment an unexpected event occurs?
Do you let your emotions get the best of you because your stress levels are out of control?
If so, instead of living in inner peace and harmony with the world around you, you’re letting your stress take all your power from you so that you no longer have a handle on it.
Sometimes, you give your power to stories you tell yourself that are just a lie holding you back. Things like:
My clients often give their power away to limiting beliefs and stories without realizing it. There’s truly nobody better qualified than me to them transform their health and well-being from the inside out. They go from doubting themselves and giving their power away to feeling vibrantly healthy, confident, powerful, and free. When they reclaim their power they truly become the most authentic expression of who they really are. (PS, I can do this for you too!)
So how do you stop giving your power away so you can live a successful and healthy life? Here are just a few examples.
Talk to yourself like you would a best friend or a loved one. The things that you say and put into the universe have their own energy, so if you’re telling yourself, “I can’t do it,” you’re already putting it out there that you can’t. The Universe will respond according to what you’re putting out.
If your gut is telling you that you don’t want to do something, then listen. Don’t force yourself to go on specific outings or meet up with certain people that bring you down or that you know will drain your energy. You don’t owe anyone your time. Honor your boundaries.
The only way to get all your power back is to turn inward, and heal the parts of yourself that are wounded. You have to feel it to heal it, and you have to commit to creating the health and well-being you desire. Healing is a lifelong journey, and commitment is the bridge between where you are and where you want to be.
YOU are NEVER a finished product. There is NO such thing as perfect. YOU came here to learn, grow, and evolve. And that’s what you’re doing! It’s a beautiful lifelong healing journey.
If you’re ready to take your power back TODAY, grab a spot in my HEAL consultation, which is the pathway to get my private support to aid you in your journey.
Sending healing and supportive energy today!
Dr. Elizabeth
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