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10 Hidden Household Toxins Sabotaging You and Your Family’s Health
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I’m sure you’ve been there before. You take on a few more responsibilities at work than you really want to or even can. You say yes to going out on a Friday night with your friends when you really want to just go home and rest. You feel guilty for things that aren’t really your fault or responsibility…
Did you know that these things, while they might not seem like a big deal at the time, are actually prime examples of how you’re giving away your own power? We all give our power away in countless ways, most of the time, without knowing it.
So how do you know if you’re giving away your own power?
If you don’t want to do something, but you’re easily swayed by friends, family, or colleagues guilt-tripping you into doing it, that’s a sure way to tell that you’re giving away your power. People in your life might not intentionally be trying to make you feel guilty, but you FEEL guilty or badly for saying “no”. You’re giving your power away. Listen to your gut. If you don’t want to do something, it’s actually kind to say “no”, and draw boundaries. Stand firm, stand your ground. It will take some time to feel comfortable saying “no” if it’s been your habit to say “yes”. But you’re taking your power back, and with time, you’ll feel confident and comfortable doing it.
This one may seem like an easy one, but sometimes it’s easy to let it slide without too much thought. You may think you don’t care about what people think, but you might be making choices by taking people’s opinions into consideration FIRST instead of relying on how you feel. This takes your power away and gives it to others who don’t deserve it. The truth is, you can’t make everyone happy. And it’s none of your business what other people think of you. The most important thing is to care about yourself and make yourself happy first.
The only person who is still getting hurt by those grudges, whose energy is being depleted, is you. Let it go— sometimes forgiveness isn’t easy, but it’s healthy, necessary, and so, so freeing. Once you let go of that overbearing feeling that grudges cause, you’ll feel so much better, physically and mentally. You’ll stop giving your power away to anger, resentment, and any other negative feelings that are stopping you from feeling your best, and evolving.
By not creating boundaries, whether it’s with yourself, work, friends, or even loved ones, you’re allowing any and all things into your life without much say. This can cause resentment and unhappiness to manifest, and you end up complaining about those things. But you’ve allowed them to enter your life! You can control what enters your life, along with who and what gets access to your energy by setting clear boundaries— remember, you make the rules!
It’s easy to feel defensive or offended by negative feedback, but when you linger on it and let that sting of criticism overwhelm you and let it change your perspective of your work, your worth, or yourself, then you’re giving it too much of your power. Let it roll off your shoulders instead, and remember – people are meaning making machines (even you) and no matter what you do, people will make it mean something. Don’t let others’ judgments or fear of them control you.
It’s quite possible that you’re holding onto stories that you tell yourself that take away your power. Those stories are just limiting beliefs that are truly holding you back from living your best life. They create a barrier and stop you from living the life you want and deserve…but they’re lies.
Limiting beliefs can sound like:
Identifying your limiting beliefs helps you overcome them, which will help you stop giving away your power to them.
If you don’t realize that you’re giving away your power so much of the time… how do you stop doing it?
First, you need to have a deep understanding of yourself – explore your potential blind spots – we all have them.
For example…know your…
So let me ask you… how many of these do you take responsibility for?
When you own something, it becomes your responsibility. For example, when you own pets, aren’t you responsible for taking care of them? Loving it? Giving it proper shelter, water, and nutrition? You have to take responsibility for the things that you own, and guess what? No one is responsible for you except for, yep, you guessed it… you!
If you’ve been giving away your power, I understand. We’ve all been there… but it doesn’t mean it has to continue this way. There IS a solution, and it’s never too late to change things in your life so that you can take back your power in an empowering, healthy way.
So, take a look around you, inside and outside; your behaviors, your habits, your actions… and the way that you are caring for yourself every single day. Ask yourself; are you caring for your health and well-being responsibly?
My purpose and mission in this lifetime is to help you take all your power back and transform – mind, body, and spirit. And if you’ve taken responsibility for your health and you’re ready to go all-in on yourself… Reach out to me today, let’s chat! I’m looking forward to watching you blossom into your best self on your own terms.
You deserve to heal, to look and feel your best, so you can create a life that’s powerful, healthy, and free.
I am sending you all so much love, healing, and supportive energy, and I hope you can feel it.
Dr. Elizabeth
© 2021-2025 Healthy Transformations with Heart, LLC
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