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Healthy Transformations with Heart with Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers, Founder of Healthy Transformations with Heart, LLC., located in Westlake, OH, USA. What’s your business, and who are your customers? You know how […]

October 14, 2022

optimal health

When you experience an issue and go to a doctor or specialist, you might ask things like: “I have x,y,z problem, and nothing I’ve tried so far has worked… What do you think is wrong? How do I fix this? What can I do?” And what do you usually hear? You’ve probably heard some things […]

August 15, 2022

problems with western medicine

I’m sure you’ve been there before. You take on a few more responsibilities at work than you really want to or even can. You say yes to going out on a Friday night with your friends when you really want to just go home and rest. You feel guilty for things that aren’t really your […]

July 29, 2022


You have two snack options in front of you.  Fresh fruit… and fruit snacks. Which one do you grab? The fresh fruit is nourishing, healthy, and full of healing benefits for your body down to the cellular level… but the fruit snack?  Not so much. Which option you choose says a lot about where you […]

July 22, 2022


When it comes to health and healing, most of the time the focus is on your physical or material health. But healing is an equation – there’s a physical side and an energetic side. And you are a physical and non-physical being. The energetic, non-physical side of health is rarely considered. In a world where more […]

July 1, 2022

reiki healing

Did you know that everything in life is a mirror? Every single thing you do or say is a reflection of you. Let me explain. When you tell yourself certain stories, they can help form beliefs that limit you and hold you back from being your truest and best self. And let’s face it – […]

June 17, 2022

limiting beliefs

Recently I had one of the deepest and powerful healing experiences on my lifelong journey, without a doubt one of the most important of my entire lifetime. My medical intuitive mentor, with their unwavering support and guidance, held the space for me to safely heal as I do each day for so many; I went […]

May 27, 2022

take back your power

When you woke up this morning did you say to yourself, “Hmmmm, what should I do first? Brush my teeth? Eat something?”? Of course not. You got out of bed and just started going about your day without intentionally “thinking” about it. You were an autopilot. How much of your day do you think your […]

May 6, 2022

habits and blind spots

Nature is a source of healing.  And you, dear one, are a part of nature.⁠ ⁠Nature is our sweet friend who has many lessons to teach and powerful benefits to offer for our lifelong healing journey.⁠ Nature is proven to help improve anxiety, stress, and depression. It helps you focus an re-center when you’re feeling […]

April 22, 2022

heal through nature

You’ve probably heard the phrase “set your intention” before, and you’ve probably set intentions without even realizing it.  When you start the car and decide to go to the store – you’re setting an intention to go there (you’re just not necessarily being INTENTIONAL about it!). The practice and act of intention setting, when done […]

April 8, 2022


Most people deal with emotional wounds but have a hard time speaking about them. And for a good reason; why would you want to think about subjects that trigger you? That make you feel unsafe?  Healing emotional wounds is a process. It requires turning inward. Sometimes it means healing your inner child so that you […]

March 4, 2022


I’ve noticed that the subject of “sleep” has been popping up more and more with my clients lately. Have you been having trouble sleeping lately? Finding it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep? Of course, many of us struggle with sleep issues from time to time, but when it becomes a regular occurrence, it’s time to look into what’s going on.

October 1, 2021