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10 Hidden Household Toxins Sabotaging You and Your Family’s Health
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I have a question for you…
Do you feel like you’re often saying sorry for things you don’t need to?
Are you using language that takes from your inner power and makes it sound like you’re unsure of yourself? (Like, “I just wanted to…”)
Do you make self-deprecating “jokes” (Like “Oh, I am such a mess!” or something along those lines?)
We’ve all done it. But we have to stop. Some of these things are unconscious, learned behaviors from the world we live in, from the “work culture” we’ve been conditioned by for years. Some of it comes from our innate desire to be seen as humble when really it’s just taking away our power and making us small.
Did you know you can also minimize your power by how you view and think of yourself? No one can diminish your power more than YOU can. The thoughts you have about yourself and your abilities – like your ability to heal – directly impact the way you present yourself, the work you do, the way you heal, and most importantly the results you get.
It’s not serving you or the rest of the world when you minimize your power. We need you and your gifts out here.
So take a step back and a deep breath, and listen to this.
It’s time to think about the ripple effect we each create when we decide to courageously show up for ourselves and take that first step into lifelong healing.
We are always looking outside ourselves for validation, for affirmation, to know what the next steps are that we need to take, and to be told we’re doing the right thing for ourselves, our healing, and our success.
But the answers we seek aren’t out there. The answers you’re searching for are right inside you.
Instead of living from expectation and attachment to the outcomes and external world around us, shift to a place of deep inner trust and knowing.
When you release attachment and work from a place of knowing, then you stop giving your power away to things outside of yourself. You connect with your own power. Your power is connected to the vibrant health you desire.
Looking inside ourselves instead of out helps us take responsibility for our healing journey. You’re turning inward and moving from a place of KNOWING what you’re truly capable of to a place where you RECLAIM your power and control of your health.
We get to reclaim the infinite & unbreakable connection of our mind, body, and spirit.
When you step up for yourself, the universe will always notice. When you stop minimizing your power, you’re sending a signal, a message, an energetic frequency to the universe telling it that you’re ready to receive whatever gifts are aligned with your goals and actions. This can look like support, knowledge, guidance, love, or resources to help guide you through wherever you are in your healing journey.
This journey is not one you walk alone. It’s about co-creation. THAT is how powerful you are.
The universe will meet you halfway so you can move through this and onto the next phase of your healing journey.
When you turn inward and reconnect to your power, your source- you step into your bigness. You show the universe that yes, I’m here, I’m awake, I’m accepting my Divine assignment.
So you’re probably thinking, “ Okay, I am IN, but how do I do that?”
There is no RIGHT first step to take. The first step you take toward reclaiming your power can be a BIG, bold move, or it can just be as simple as saying “no” to an invitation to an event you don’t want to go to or don’t have the time for.
Things you can do to reclaim your power include:
Set boundaries for yourself and others. That means for others, letting people know when you’re uncomfortable or when you don’t want to do something or don’t have time to do something. It means saying what you mean and not people-pleasing. For yourself, it can be not oversharing, not apologizing all the time, or even not taking on more than you can handle. It can be allowing yourself not to overwork and to prioritize your self-care.
As mentioned before, using limiting speech like saying “ I just,” “I think,” “I’m sorry” (repeatedly), and more can really make us look small and not confident in what we say. If we say “I think,” it makes it look like we aren’t exactly sure we’re correct. It sounds like an assumption.
But it’s not just about our words. It’s how we talk to ourselves. If we constantly tell ourselves we can’t do something, don’t have the right skill set, or that it’s too big of a mountain to climb, it keeps us small. It holds us back.
Everything is energy. This includes the words you speak to yourself. You’re absorbing the energy of the words you’re saying to yourself. Speak to yourself from a voice of unconditional love and acceptance.
It will shift you into alignment with your inner power and voice.
Having autonomy over our bodies is the most powerful thing we can do for our physical beings. The control over what we consume considerably impacts our wellbeing, whether that’s food, TV shows, movement, or social media.
Setting limits (setting boundaries) for how long we scroll on IG and when, when we go to bed, and what we nourish our bodies with can help set us up for success or let us down if we don’t have self-control.
Whether we notice or not, we all hold limiting beliefs that we should get rid of. For example, the idea that we can’t do something or are not good enough needs to be released.
We hold these ideas as actual, absolute truths, but it couldn’t be further from the truth! These blockages minimize our power and our true potential.
Choose to release limiting beliefs that no longer serve you and step into those that are in alignment with your inner power.
Don’t overdo it. You’re a great worker by doing high-quality work, not by taking on so many projects you’re burned out.
Don’t work yourself into a giant ball of stress just to impress yourself, others, or show you’ve got what it takes. It’s a myth that you have to be constantly grinding and working long hours to live a successful and healthy life.
You already have everything you need to succeed, but you can’t accomplish anything when you’re running around putting out fires and working yourself too hard. This drains your power.
Self-care is definitely a trend right now, and for a good reason. But people seem to forget that self-care really means caring for yourself in ways that help de-stress in more ways than just a bubble bath and a glass of wine.
It means taking care of your body and mind, nourishing yourself, and taking essential steps towards and focusing on healing.
Being present and grounded helps you do that. Ground yourself by moving your body— by going for a walk or run, doing yoga, or stretching. Whatever is right for your body!
Practicing a breathing technique also does wonders and helps you center yourself and your mental state. It shifts you into your power.
Identifying your limiting beliefs and healing from them is a wonderful first step to recovery, but you always have to know what beliefs you DO have that make you who you are.
What beliefs do you have that help you put your heart and soul into your work? What beliefs do you want to use to help those around you?
How can you get to know yourself better? This is the inner work of the healing journey.
The more deeply you know yourself, the more powerful you’ll be.
Making moves that are outside your comfort zone helps you learn how to adapt and change to different situations. This connects you to your inner power and strengthens it.
Where’s that place you always wanted to go? that store you always wanted to walk into? that yoga class you always wanted to try?
Putting yourself in new environments enables you to grow as a person, heal, and become more resilient.
Expand and become your biggest self, learning along the way, becoming more powerful along the way.
It’s easy to hold onto grudges or open wounds that won’t ever heal. It’s hard to forgive someone (or even yourself!) who maybe doesn’t, in your opinion, deserve an apology or won’t ever get it.
But you know where that energy is going? Well, it’s not to them— it’s just being harbored inside you. Letting go of that anger, that negative energy, can help free yourself from the burden of negativity and stop draining your power.
Start implementing these steps to reclaim your power. You’ll be amazed by how much it will change how you feel.
With each step, with every second that ticks by, your bigness and boldness will begin to shine and break through ALL of the places and spaces that need your light, inside and outside yourself!
And as we heal and allow our lights to shine from the inside out, there is NO turning it off.
As you heal, you’ll see all the expansiveness in the way we show up EVERYWHERE— in our jobs, families, friendships, and the world.
The ripple effect of your expansiveness becomes inevitable, and everything around you, everything you touch? It will never be the same.
Are you ready to step into the boldest version of yourself? The Sapphire Healing Experience is waiting for you. Book your Heal Consultation and work with me to be the boldest, brightest, and healthiest version of you. Looking for more information click HERE.
Know that your time is now.
Dr. Elizabeth
© 2021-2025 Healthy Transformations with Heart, LLC
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